Priceline Customer Service Contacts

Priceline is a travel site owned by Booking Holdings.

How to reach a person at Priceline

Priceline Responsiveness rating


The Elliott Responsiveness Rating scores companies based on how responsive they are to customers. Here's more information about our ratings.

What you need to know about Priceline

We’ve been getting a troubling number of complaints about Priceline here. The problems seem to be the result of over-automation — hotels with obvious problems or pricing discrepancies. Priceline is slow to address the complaints.

How to resolve a problem with Priceline

As far as we know, the executives listed here answer their messages personally. Our guide to booking an airline ticket may also help resolve your consumer complaint if you’re flying.

Note: If you’re having customer service trouble, please use our proven methods for fixing any consumer problem before contacting a manager.

Priceline’s mailing address

800 Connecticut Avenue
Norwalk, CT 06854

Priceline’s social media channels


Priceline’s executive customer service contacts

Primary Contact
Frank Berume
Sr. Manager, Customer Care Operations
800 Connecticut Avenue
Norwalk, CT 06854
[email protected]

Secondary Contact
Jeremy Ellis
Sr. Director, Head of Customer Care Operations
800 Connecticut Avenue
Norwalk, CT 06854
[email protected]

Chief Executive
Brett Keller
Chief Executive Officer
800 Connecticut Avenue
Norwalk, CT 06854
[email protected]

Frequently asked questions about Priceline

You can reach Priceline customer service in the US or Canada by calling 1-877-477-5807. If you’re calling from outside the US or Canada, you can find the appropriate phone number on the Priceline website.

Priceline does not provide a customer service email address. However, you can use its executive email contact at [email protected]

Priceline’s customer service is available 24/7, 7 days a week.

To request a refund from Priceline, you can call their customer service number. Be prepared to provide your booking confirmation number and personal information during the call.

Alternatively, you can cancel and request a refund online by logging into your Priceline account. Once logged in, select the trip you wish to cancel and follow the on-screen instructions. Keep an eye on your email for confirmation of the cancellation.

To cancel a Priceline reservation, go to its website and click “Find my trip.” Choose your booking type, enter your email address and phone number, and select your preferred method of contact.

Priceline offers 24/7 chat support. Access it by clicking on the “Messaging” button on the Priceline website.

You can change or modify a Priceline reservation by visiting their “Find My Trip” page. Alternatively, you can call Priceline customer service at 1-877-477-5807.

If you’re calling from outside the US or Canada, find the appropriate phone number on the Priceline website. [PLEASE ADD THESE NUMBERS.]

You can file a complaint with Priceline customer service by calling their customer service at 1-877-477-5807 or by going to the Pricline webforme [ADD LINK].

Priceline’s customer service response time varies. Phone and chat support are available 24/7. [We need to have an actual response time.]

How to get professional help with your Priceline problem

If you need help with Priceline, you can contact our advocacy team or just click the "Get Help" button. For immediate assistance, you can also send us a message on our Facebook group. Note: We do not charge for our advocacy.

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