Lyft Customer Service Contacts

Lyft is an American transportation network company based in San Francisco.

How to reach a person at Lyft  

Toll Free: (844) 554-1297

Customer Service: (415) 767-5968

Lyft Rentals: (855) 865-9553

Lyft Responsiveness rating


The Elliott Responsiveness Rating scores companies based on how responsive they are to customers. Here's more information about our ratings.

Customer service resources

Customer Service: (415) 767-5968
Lyft Rentals: (855) 865-9553

Executive Contacts

Lyft encourages users to contact the Customer Support team via or through the ‘Help’ tab of the Lyft Rider App or Support and Safety options in the Lyft Driver App. To make sure your issue is resolved as quickly as possible, Lyft recommends contacting support via these pathways first before reaching out directly to an executive.

What you need to know about Lyft

Lyft’s is plagued by what we’re calling the Lyft vomit scam — a systemwide issue where drivers collect payments from riders for allegedly damaging their vehicles. We have suggested ways to fix the problem but Lyft has ignored them. Until these problems are fixed, Lyft will continue to receive a low responsiveness rating and our warning.

How to resolve a problem with Lyft

Use our customer service contacts (the automated system rarely leads to a satisfactory conclusion because we believe it is guided by an unsophisticated AI). Check out our guide to using ridesharing companies for more tips on fixing your Lyft problem.

Note: If you’re having customer service trouble, please use our proven methods for fixing any consumer problem before contacting a manager.

Lyft Industries mailing address

185 Berry Street
SUITE 5000
San Francisco, CA 94107

Lyft social media channels


Lyft executive customer service contacts

Primary Contact
Sonya Ryland
Manager – Safety and Customer Care
150 2nd Avenue North
Nashville, TN 37201
[email protected]

Secondary Contact
Jacob Rudolph
Team Lead for Lyft’s Dispute Resolution and Executive Escalation team
150 2nd Avenue North
Nashville, TN 37201
[email protected]

Chief Executive
David Risher
185 Berry Street
Ste 5000
San Francisco, CA 94107
[email protected]
+1 206-266-2102

How to get professional help with your Lyft problem

If you need help with Lyft, you can contact our advocacy team or just click the "Get Help" button. For immediate assistance, you can also send us a message on our Facebook group. Note: We do not charge for our advocacy.

Get Help

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