FedEx Customer Service Contacts

FedEx is an American global courier delivery services company headquartered in Memphis, Tenn.

How to reach a person at FedEx

Customer service:  (800) 463-3339

FedEx Responsiveness rating


The Elliott Responsiveness Rating scores companies based on how responsive they are to customers. Here's more information about our ratings.

What you need to know about FedEx

Problems with FedEx are relatively rare. But when we do get them, it’s usually a spectacular delivery problem. More often, FedEx is part of a much bigger customer service dispute.

How to resolve a problem with FedEx

The executives on this page are extremely responsive, but don’t forget to start your grievance process through normal customer service channels. FedEx is sensitive to social media publicity and responds to posts. Our guide to resolving any customer service problem will help you with your FedEx problem. Please contact our advocacy team directly if FedEx won’t help you.

Note: If you’re having customer service trouble, please use our proven methods for fixing any consumer problem before contacting a manager.

FedEx’s mailing address

942 South Shady Grove Road
Memphis, TN 38120

US customer relations address
FedEx Customer Relations
3875 Airways, Module H3 Department 4634
Memphis, TN 38116

Legal department
3610 Hacks Cross Road
Building A, First Floor
Memphis, TN 38125

FedEx’s social media channels


FedEx’s executive customer service contacts

Primary Contact
Elizabeth Neal
Sr. Manager Customer Services
942 South Shady Grove Road
Memphis, TN 38120
[email protected]

Secondary Contact
Jessica Parton
Director Customer Experience
942 South Shady Grove Road
Memphis, TN 38120
[email protected]

Additional Contact
Lex Lannom
VP of Customer Service
942 South Shady Grove Road
Memphis, TN 38120
[email protected]

Chief Executive
Raj Subramaniam
President, CEO, and Director
942 South Shady Grove Road
Memphis, TN 38120
[email protected]
(901) 818-7355

Frequently asked questions about FedEx

How do you speak to a person at FedEx?

You can reach a representative at FedEx by calling (800) GO-FEDEX (1-800-463-3339).

How do I contact FedEx about a delivery problem?

If you encounter issues with a FedEx delivery, you can file a complaint by calling (800) 463-3339 or visiting the official website at

Does FedEx have WhatsApp?

Yes, FedEx integrates with WhatsApp for notifications in certain regions. Recipients can chat directly with FedEx, access tracking status, and re-direct options via WhatsApp.

Can you Chat with a FedEx agent?

You can chat with a support representative on the FedEx website. Visit, choose the appropriate topic, and select “Chat with an agent” when available.

Can I call FedEx to see where my package is?

To track your package, use the FedEx tracking tool on their website. Enter your 12-digit tracking number and click “Track” for real-time updates. Or call (800) GO-FEDEX and say “track my package” to get information.

What do I do if FedEx hasn’t delivered my package?

Check the tracking status if your FedEx package hasn’t been delivered. If there’s an issue, contact FedEx customer support at (800) 463-3339 for assistance.

How to get professional help with your FedEx problem

If you need help with FedEx, you can contact our advocacy team or just click the "Get Help" button. For immediate assistance, you can also send us a message on our Facebook group. Note: We do not charge for our advocacy.

Get Help

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