Orbitz Customer Service Contacts

Orbitz is an online travel agency that owns the Orbitz, Cheaptickets and eBookers.com brands. It was acquired in 2015 by Expedia. Please refer to our Expedia page for additional contacts and information.

How to reach a person at Orbitz

Customer Service:  (888) 656-4546

Orbitz Responsiveness rating


The Elliott Responsiveness Rating scores companies based on how responsive they are to customers. Here's more information about our ratings.

What you need to know about Orbitz

We receive many complaints about Orbitz. This customer purchased airline tickets from Orbitz but discovered they were nonexistent after arriving at the airport.

How to resolve a problem with Orbitz

This guide on how to solve a customer service problem will help you resolve most problems with the company. You can also refer to the executive contacts below or contact our advocacy team directly.

Note: If you’re having customer service trouble, please use our proven methods for fixing any consumer problem before contacting a manager.

Orbitz’s mailing address

500 W. Madison Street
Suite 1000
Chicago, IL 60661

Orbitz’s social media channels


Orbitz’s executive customer service contacts

Primary Contact
Eric Hart
Chief Financial Officer
500 W. Madison Street
Suite 1000
Chicago, IL 60661
[email protected]

Chief Executive
Peter Kern
Chief Executive Officer
500 W. Madison Street
Suite 1000
Chicago, IL 60661
[email protected]

Frequently asked questions about Orbitz

How do I get my money back from Orbitz?

If you need to cancel your reservation, you can do so through your Orbitz account. Depending on the booking details, you may receive a full refund or a voucher for the cost of your hotel, even if you booked a nonrefundable rate.

Is Orbitz nonrefundable?

Most fares are nonrefundable, but you can still make changes if the fare type you purchased permits it. Be sure to check the fare type and rules in your itinerary.

How does Orbitz work?

Orbitz is an online travel agency that allows you to search for travel options and compare availability and pricing. You can book flights, hotels, rental cars, cruises, and activities through Orbitz. It acts as a search engine, displaying pricing from different travel companies. When you’re ready to book, you can make your reservation through Orbitz instead of directly with the travel brand.

How do I change my flight on Orbitz?

To change your flight on Orbitz, go to My Trips on your phone app, sign in, and select “Change Flight.” Follow the instructions provided.

How reliable is Orbitz?

Orbitz is a well-known brand. Remember to verify your reservation details and understand the terms before booking. Orbitz is known to respond quickly to requests made via social media.

Does Orbitz allow you to cancel your reservation?

Yes, you can cancel your reservations through Orbitz. Be aware that it’s a third-party booking website, so always verify your reservation with the hotel, airline, or travel brand before your trip begins.

What are the payment options for Orbitz?

Orbitz accepts various payment methods, including credit cards, debit cards, and PayPal. You can choose your preferred payment option during the booking process.

Where is Orbitz based?

Orbitz is based in Chicago.

How to get professional help with your Orbitz problem

If you need help with Orbitz, you can contact our advocacy team or just click the "Get Help" button. For immediate assistance, you can also send us a message on our Facebook group. Note: We do not charge for our advocacy.

Get Help

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